Monday, August 31, 2009

About Time

Things get Better in Time

Well, I don't know about things getting better but I do know that they get clearer. My whole life I've hid a lot about myself from others because I was too "intelligent." I didn't want to upset the "norm" by asking a question no one had the answer to. OR make others feel inferior. However, At this junction and life, I feel like I have a lot of gaps in my social circle as far as diversity and quality; as a result, I'm forced to release my inner turmoil in this way. I would like to feel as if things are getting better, instead I feel like they just cycle through the same ol' song and dance, and I just keep getting older.
I'm turning 29 next year, married and with no children, no abortions, and a degree and I didn't get my picket white fence, banging job with benefits, and all the other stuff my parents told me a college
These are my moments of clarity for this year so far:

I love working for myself; I love the challenge and the rewards.

I hate liars, but I can understand why they might lie sometimes

I've accepted my body and skin color.

Some people really abuse the forgiveness clause in being a Christian, and think I should just let them take all the time in the world to get things right.

I'd like more romance with the goo goo ga ga feeling attached to it.

Real friendships are too hard to find after college.

Marriage can wash out your own identity if you are of opposite temperaments.

My personal style is very reflective of my mood.

Cooking and cleaning feel really good when things are going right, but are burdensome when things are on the down part of life.

The more near death experiences a person has, the richer his or her life becomes.

Real Women are definitely built for compatibility with real men ONLY!

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