I looked it up, read it, and it said...
- To remain or rest in expectation: waiting for the guests to arrive. See Synonyms at stay.
- To tarry until another catches up.
- To remain or be in readiness: lunch waiting on the table.
- To remain temporarily neglected, unattended to, or postponed: The trip will have to wait.
- To work as a waiter or waitress.
I never considered the part that said "in expectation" or '"til another catches up," or to "be in readiness." I waited as if I was in a state of stagnation and as if God was stationary. I waited like the only moves God was trying to make were away from me. I figured God wanted to go and handle everyone else's business and was going to get back to me when my attitude had changed about something. But, I had forgotten that while it only seemed like things were on pause in the Natural, God was working overtime and diligently molding me and all the situations that involved me in the Supernatural. Yes I believe in God with entirety but something more must have been there, if I couldn't do a simple thing... WAIT.....
And then I realized, I did not wait because I did not trust. I was able to discover that the base of waiting involved trust. I have to trust in God with all my heart that He would not and could not forget me. But before trust, still were more issues that needed to surface. I needed to know that at the base of trusting was love. God personifies real and true love, not an earthly love that would undoubtedly disappoint. I have allowed things to cloud what love really is, what it meant, how it felt, acted, and came from. Understanding that God loved me meant walking in the revelation that He could not forget me because he loved me first; because I was His own. And the evidence of his presence in my life and manifestation of His love was His sacrifice.
Proverbs 4:7 says "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom, and upon thy getting, get understanding"...... Funny, I understand duty and responsibility.... But, I'm starting to believe through Godly wisdom that the breakdown is that I do not understand love.
But I will....