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I stood up for myself
I am realizing that when God has promised you something, anything, the spirits of strife, contention, anger, sabotage, and jealousy, begin to activate themselves inside of others near you. It is as though your progress literally pricks their hearts and causes them to "speak" out loud against your growth, creating an environment in which the Believer must fend for him/herself. Many times those intensely negative people justify their demons (
which are really hidden pains, fears, and trauma manifesting themselves in the unenlightened mindsets) describing themselves as personalities. True they are acting in their self seeking personalities intending to preserve their familial lines, but if and when you cannot tap into what it is that Lord has for you to better the earth and submit yourself to that mission, you kill the dreams, ideas and intents of those fighting to preserve the will of God.
Amidst all of the painstaking events on the ascension to education, socioeconomic liberty and gender equality, I dreamed a dream of progress and emotional prosperity and the immense freedom to pursue the Lord's good pleasure. Interpreting its symbolic nature, I recognized the LORD. And I began to fight for myself: studying, improving time management, creating periods of deserved rest, speaking up for under-served populations against moral violations and enforcing boundaries. I have begun to pick up my cross and fight unequivocally and unapologetically.
I have begun to use my discernment in hopes to keep my faith in tact and blame the personalities and not God for all the trouble. I have learned to curse the "selfish, sheltered mindset" (
flesh) and not blame the intent of the Lord. There is such a thing as a pure and holy personality. A true personality given from the Lord is insightful, caring, and interested in more than one persons view. A true personality is gifted in introspection and locating any selfish or ignorant weed seeds and trimming their roots. An irreverent personality shows fruits of emptiness, greed, and massive circular arguments geared towards winners and losers.
But, I reached into my educated, unprejudiced spirit and said, "un unh," "not today," "and not ever!" It was Maya herself that shared that words have power, piggybacking the message of the Christ. Life and Death is in the Power of the tongue,love is shown in sacrifice coupled with a renewed mind, and
I have stood up for myself!
African Pride, standing on Maya's shoulders
Writings Inspired by life growth
©2011- Broken Wings Publishing